Hyba Size conversion chart
Bust 45113 47118 51128
Waist 3999 42105 45114
Hips 47119 49124 53135
Thigh 2871 3075 3281
Hyba Bust Waist Hips Thigh
XXL 45113 3999 47119 2871
2X 47118 42105 49124 3075
3X 51128 45114 53135 3281
*All sizes measured in inches. Click here to convert to centimeters
*All sizes measured in cm. Click here to convert to inches
How to take your measurements

Measurement does not pertain to bra size. Wrap a tape measure under arms, keeping the tape comfortably loose. Measure around the fullest part of the bust. Ensure that the tape measure is parallel to the floor.


Stand barefoot with a straight posture.

Regular - For women 5' 4" - 5' 7"

Petite - For women 5' 4" and under. Pant inseam is 3" shorter than regular.

Tall - For women 5' 7" and taller. Pant inseam is 2" longer than regular.


Keeping the tape measure comfortably loose, measure around the smallest area of your waist.


With feet together, keeping the tape measure comfortably loose, wrap the tape measure around the fullest part of the hips.


Stand with your shoes on and measure from the crotch to the bottom of the shoe.